Cyber Insurance Analysis

Cyber liability insurance coverage is often hard to understand because there is no standardization, each insurance company has a different approach, and coverage is not clear. This has led to several suits that are being adjudicated and that will provided guidance in the future.

Coverage is not straightforward like property crime that is understood because of a great deal of prior history that enables you know your risk, what your deductible is, and the replacement costs.

The following work flow diagram illustrates the steps in our analysis.

Cyber Insurance Analysis

The IAC review of insurance coverage gives corporations the understanding of what risk they are effectively mitigating. Few companies understand their cyber and privacy loss exposures. Our report will address the reasons for the confusion: each insurance carrier/company has different nomenclatures; overlaps with technology E & O; overlaps in risk coverage in cyber and privacy and technology; cyber and privacy insurance covers both property and liability; cybercrime evolves continuously changing the exposures and policies cannot keep up with the change; Cyber and privacy coverage aspects overlap with CGL (Commercial General Liability), professional, and media liability policies.


Do you want to know what you're really covered for?

Contact us for a free 20 minute consultation

Computer Forensics Incident Response

Management of post incident mitigation activities and root cause analysis.

Security Maturity Quantification

Determine the gap between regulation compliance, actual security, and costs.

Security Risk Assessment

Identify the cost to become more secure while using best practices.

Cyber Insurance Analysis

Determine the reality of what is covered by cyber liability insurance.